
Winter Pop-up Events

As the leaves are starting to fall and we change seasons,  I am ready to reach for cosy jumpers and I relish the change.

The coming weeks are a busy time for me, as I am out and about popping up at events in Hampshire. The car is endlessly loaded, unloaded; comfy shoes and a warm drink are a must. It is great to see people, chat, hear what their requests are for new artwork topics. I am very conscious that when creating artwork you are encapsulated in a bubble, which sometimes is a real tonic, but it is good to step out and connect with people.

Local markets are a wonderful mix of independent traders, local business, products made with love and local flavours. I feel proud to say all my products are made in Great Britain. I try to add a few new items each season and my stall is where I will showcase new ideas first. This year I have added oven gloves and children’s aprons.

I start my winter events at Nosh cafe bar on Sunday 6th November. Full event dates can be viewed here:

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